Notes from Natalie

My place to keep my friends miles away filled in on what's going on in my life, and just another way to procrastinate by adding random thoughts as well :).

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

It's been a while..., it has been an incredibly long time since I have written on here! With homework and projects, I can't say I have a whole lot of time to blog...not that I kept up on it much before ;). Well, here's what's been going on with me...
-Spring semester has been going quite well. I don't have any tests this semester, but have some major projects that count for around 90% of each class' grade. So, I have bee projecting a lot lately to try to keep on top of them all. Most are pretty interesting, but definitely a lot of work! I am also a TA this semester, which is a lot of fun and a challenge also at times.
-I am heading back to Montana and Camp on the Boulder for one more summer out there! I am very excited to go back to the mountains and have another busy, but peaceful summer in God's amazing creation! Not to mention spending time with another amazing crew!
- I am patiently, or more so unpatiently waiting word back from internship applications and interviews I have gone through in the past couple of weeks. They are great opportunities for next year to work on campus and really grow professionally.
- Stratford has been amazing... the girls are so awesome. As of the moment, I will be moving over to 312 for next year, though...a bit more independence for my senior year.
- I am starting to look at Grad many to choose from and also at different programs that I could go into...the specialization continues and praying about which avenue to take.
- I still haven't really found a church that I call home while here on campus...I guess I go home too much :). Although, I have an amazing small group that I really love through one church in Urbana!
- No man in my life (other than God, my dad, and brother). And, quite frankly, am not really looking for one at this point...I'd prefer to get through undergrad without that distraction. But, we'll see what God has in store in that department when it come that time...
I think that brings my life up to date for the blog... I can't guarantee when the next time I'll be on again :). I am SO excited for spring break , though... a few more days!!!!

God Bless all!!!!